West Sound Workforce President Survives Shrimp Tank

West Sound Workforce President Survives Shrimp Tank


West Sound Workforce President Monica Blackwood was the featured guest for Seattle’s Shrimp Tank podcast for their 50th episode!

Monica Blackwood on Shrimp TankHuman Resources – really, the talent engine of every business – was the official topic of the day. However, HR can be a very broad topic! Highlights of the podcast include a segment of “hot or not”: things which are good practice and those to reconsider, along with a perspective on professional staffing and Monica sharing her journey through the “success rut” of her career to find future growth. All that mixed in with a little bit of banter for fun!

Shrimp Tank is geared for entrepreneurs and business leaders as a “crash course” MBA through interviews of successful business owners throughout the United States.
