Offering Mental Health First Aid Training

Offering Mental Health First Aid Training

Clay koala 2

Why would we post a picture of a grown man with a stuffed koala bear? So happy you asked!

Meet Clay, our newest addition to the West Sound Workforce team. He joins us in an expanded capacity, because as of July, we’ve added Training Classes to our list of services! Specifically, Clay is our instructor for our Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course, and when this picture was taken, he just finished teaching the class to a group of corporate leaders in our community.

But the koala? “ALGEE” (the name of the koala), is the official mascot for MHFA. Koalas tend bring a calming sense when humans see them, and the name is an acronym for how individuals may provide assistance when recognizing someone who may be in distress.

Mental Health First Aid is an internationally recognized program managed by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. As workplaces turn more attention to the mental wellness of their employees, equipping their team with the tools to be able to recognize and respond in positive ways and provide support until trained help can be found is as beneficial as providing CPR/First Aid in the event of a physical emergency. It is one of many ways employers can support their workforce in keeping a healthy mental state.

Interested in learning more about our training services? Check it out here, or give us a call at 253-853-3633.
