We have open positions – where are all the employees?

We have open positions – where are all the employees?

Women good vibes

We’ve officially turned the calendar to 2021, and with that, the promise of new ways, new energy, and even, just maybe, new candidates.  In keeping with the new year custom, I did make a professional New Year’s resolution – did you?

Here’s mine:  to help recruiters and HR professionals involved in talent acquisition get better results in turning candidates into employees by zeroing in on the process.  There are a few tips that I have that can help me achieve this goal, but none more important than this one:

Be Timely

A little over a year ago recruiters and HR leaders were struggling to get solid, viable candidates because, among other things, the unemployment rate was historically low.  Employees were enjoying what they were doing and who they were doing it with; they were content to do their jobs with the employer they had; or felt secure enough in their home financials that they felt they didn’t need to be in the job market altogether.

That meant that it was hard to recruit quality candidates for the positions you might have been looking to fill.  When you found one, there were a handful of strategies that were helpful in snagging that next employee.  One was “be timely”.  Make sure to connect with the candidate quickly and often.  Let them know the timeline you’re working with and fill them in on each step of the process.

So now, with the market flipped, and unemployment numbers remaining high over the last few months, is it time to think that candidates would be swarming to the open positions?  No.  It’s not happening that way right now, either.  In fact, it’s still just as tricky to get job applicants as it was when things were booming.

Which means – stay diligent on the timeliness of your recruiting process.  Realize that these candidates that you’re reviewing quite possibly have a short shelf life.  The good ones will be getting other interviews, which lead to job offers, quickly, and they will no longer be available to be your next employee.  There isn’t much time to wait to see what other applications come in or lengthen out your process of having several reviewers of resumes – that world has long gone.  Hook candidates sooner by talking with them and getting their attention:  connect with them, tell them what you like about their resume or application, and get them scheduled for a discussion.  Make decisions on a reasonable timetable that you’ve established on the outset.  Doing this will reduce the amount of time you have positions open, waiting to be filled.

In the words of Kevin P. Ryan, “If you find someone who’s great, don’t wait until there’s a job opening…send them to me.”  Or act fast!

